What temperatures can I use Prestone De-Icer in?

Prestone De-Icer can be used in temperatures as low as -40°C, to ensure it performs in even the most extreme weather of the UK. The coldest temperature ever recorded in the UK was a freezing -27.2°C on 30 December 1995, so Prestone de-icer would still have been effective in getting cars moving! No de-icer works faster, meaning you can drive away quicker with Prestone.

Prestone products are put through their paces by our team to make sure that they deliver results in the most extreme conditions, so that you know they will perform for you every day. It is our mission to ensure that weather and other conditions never stop you from driving, which is why we make Prestone products which excel in extremes.

You can read more about using Prestone products and how they’re tested and developed on our blog and Help and Advice sections.

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